Monday, April 11, 2011

Blogs of Note

I haven't checked out a lot of other peoples' blogs. That's mostly because I only know a couple of friends who write them, albeit not regularly. Beyond that, I don't often select a random stranger's blog to read. What I do glance at every few days are the blogs which have been given "blogs of note" status. I have no idea what the criteria is for a blog to be selected as a "blog of note". I have noticed, however, that there is such a variety out there, that there's something for everyone.

Many "blogs of note" have pictures and photos. Some blogs simply promote a business or hobby. Some blogs are made up entirely of cartoons, paintings, fashion or home decor. Some bloggers like to rant while others enjoy seeing their favourite curse words in print.

Having said all this, I have discovered one, just one stranger's blog which I look forward to reading. It was selected as a "blog of note" and I totally agree with the choice. I'm not certain why this blog appeals to me so much. Perhaps it's because I can relate to the issues and location. Maybe it's just that this person is young and I enjoy being a cheerleader as she describes her road to success.

From the first time I read Katy Mazur's "Baking My Way Through Germany", I was hooked. I immediately added her blog to my favourites. It was different. It was original. It detailed the life and struggles of a young adult female in a foreign land.

I do not know Katie. She does not write anything which the literati would consider profound or classic. She writes what she thinks and she writes about her day to day experiences. She writes from the heart. She tells about her baking, stolen bikes and about her struggles learning a foreign language. There is nothing pretentious about her. Her blogs are short and to the point. Sometimes, she includes recipes...a bonus.

Katie recently returned for a visit to her home in the U.S.A. I know this because I read her blog. She was taking a break from writing and I missed her, although I realized she was enjoying the company of family and friends. Today, I read about her holiday adventures in Philadelphia and I was happy that she was enjoying herself. I must admit though that I look forward to the day she returns to school and resumes baking her way through Germany. I'm certain that her 1,079 followers agree.

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